CapsuleinfoHealthManage Stress With WellHealth Organic Stress Management Techniques

Manage Stress With WellHealth Organic Stress Management Techniques

Stress is a natural phenomenon in our state of mind. When someone experiences stress it results in stress & anxiety. In a fast-paced life– we often face situations where we face tougher times in the form of rejections, failures, despair, or biological reasons like lack of sufficient sleep, rest, or excessive stress. You then realize how devastating stress could be if not controlled in time. One of the reasons for taking help from experts like well-health organic stress management techniques is to recover from its far-reaching consequences.

As per psychologists, we are not accustomed to certain ways amidst the daily helter-skelter of life. So we become prone to dealing with excessive word loads that release stress hormones like cortisol. This is one of the primary reasons— the rise in lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, and an increased level of triglycerides.

What is stress?

Stress is an inescapable aspect of life, something we can’t deny. It’s true, that we can’t avoid stress, but there is the possibility of controlling your stress reaction. You manage the stress rather than letting it steer you in the wrong direction. In the socio-economic world we live in, there are opportunities as well as challenges. However, you should consider dwelling to find the root causes of stress. 

 Learning is a powerful tool that helps you deal with stress. So consider the possible harmful effects of stress, such as depression or hypertension. Awareness is the key, and be the master of dealing with and coping techniques to manage stress and understand your body’s mechanisms.

How Does Our Body React in Stress Mode?

When we experience stress, our body releases stress hormones. Our body has natural mechanisms to deal with stress; it goes into either Fight—or—Flight Response( acute stress hormone), a physiological reaction that occurs in a physical or mental state.

A natural mechanism of the body that either prepares your body to deal with stress or runs away from it. Fight-or-flight response hormones comprise asymptotic hormone and corticotropin-releasing hormone.

The hormones cause the sympathetic nervous system to stimulate the sympathetic and adrenal glands. All this leads to the release of catecholamines, adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol.
This sympathetic nervous system makes the body release the fight-or-flight response, while the parasympathetic nervous system calms the body once the threat is diminished. Not only does it affect our mood, but it also affects our ability to cope with difficult situations. However, it has long-term disadvantages, like hardening our arteries, which increases bad cholesterol and leads to lifestyle diseases like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Root Causes of Stress

  • Our body’s inabilities as a result of changes
  • Outside forces throw new challenges
  • There is no control over the body’s reactions

We live in a society where our roots are attached to our family, and we play various roles in relationships such as marriages, divorce, untimely deaths, the loss of someone, joblessness or changing jobs, and the death of a relative or friend that results in stress. These life-threatening events are less common. In the public service career fields, certain stressors possess a higher degree of uncertainty—IAS aspiration, military, or elite job. Failures and stress could occur at any stage but in academics stress among students is inevitable.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), there are common stressors among college students that increase academic demands, such as adapting to a new environment, family relations, financial responsibilities, exposure to new ideas and temptations, developing sexual identity and orientation, and excelling.

How to Diagnose Your Stressful Mood?

Diagnosis is the first of the three categories, be it physical, mental, or emotional, so you should watch carefully. All you need to do is look into the following symptoms fatigue, heartache, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart problems like palpitations and inability to sleep, sweating palms/shaking hands, anxiety, and sexual problems. 

When you don’t realize this, you may develop serious physical disorders. When the body is in flight mode, it increases hormones such as adrenaline rush and cortisol, affecting metabolism, immune reactions, and stress responses. 
When you see a stressful situation, this causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and the physical demands of internal organs. Because of irritability, disruptive eating patterns (overeating or undereating), and treatment from others with smoking cessation or alcohol consumption.

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How to Manage Stress?

Learning stress can have various things to do. The first thing you have to do is manage stress and understand yourself better. So that’s all about how to handle stress and adapt to familiar, but precarious situations. Learning to manage stress better becomes paramount. How do you react in different situations? Perform the following steps:

1. Set Priorities

Exercise time-management techniques to make a To-Do list. You should realize what matters to you and work out your top priorities, so don’t strain yourself and remember what you should be doing.

2. Practicing dealing with Stressful Situations 

Think about the times when you lose your cool in difficult situations. Find ways to overcome problems in difficult situations. If you understand the triggers behind what agitates you, you should do an emotional mock drill, and practice how you react in a particular situation.

3. Examine Your Expectations 

Always adhere to realistic goals, push yourself hard to achieve things, and realize your expectations. Find the best route where you practice perfectionism. Be satisfied with all our needs and find the best ones. No one is perfect—not you. You should not commit yourself to making mistakes, and remember that learning comes from experience, and a good experience comes from a bad experience. Allow yourself to make mistakes, and remember, it is always a good teacher.

4. Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Physical exercise is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy and take proper rest. Practice good relaxation techniques and perform things like prayer, yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. Find areas of weakness in your life and practice humor.

5. Learn to Accept Changes in Life 

Nothing is permanent, and everything goes. Always have a support system around( friends, acquaintances, & relatives) when needed. Go deeper in yourself and find your potential. 

Besides, take help from those who have beaten all odds and enjoy the success of life.


We know stress is part and parcel of life. So having a proactive approach matters the most in dealing with difficult phases of life. While you can’t avoid stress, practice skills to cope with any stressful situations. Going to the core will help you find the right remedy for it. So also, you’ll be better prepared yourself, your fellow students, friends, and soldiers to lead someday. With good health and organic stress management- you can always explore best practices to handle stress better in life.
Practice stress management techniques and overcome distress to live a healthier & happier life!

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