CapsuleinfoHealthGeneral Pediatric and Well Baby Clinic in Bangkok

General Pediatric and Well Baby Clinic in Bangkok

Our young are precious, we care for, and nurture them, through childhood to adulthood with the uniqueness of parental love. We nurse them through sickness, and all manner of maladies, to grow fit and strong to be ready for the rigors of future adulthood, after all, they are the future.

There are times however when parental love and care falls short, and we are unable to cure what ills our offspring. It is then that we turn to the experts, the doctors that specialize in the complex field of medical science that is known as pediatrics. 

Our understanding that the medical issues that can beset the young are complex and require special diagnostics and treatment can be dated back as far as the year 400 BC in the writings of Hippocrates. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that pediatrics was recognized as a branch of medical science concerned with the health of young people from newborn to 15 years of age.

It was in 1802 that the first dedicated pediatric hospital opened in Paris, L’hôpital des Enfants Malades, which translates as, The hospital for sick children. The need for, and benefits of, these dedicated medical facilities spread across Europe. Very soon, the now world famous, Great Ormond Street Hospital opened in London, with American facilities soon following suit.

Quality and All-Encompassing Care

Of course, all parents want the very best care for their children, but the parents have a responsibility to ensure that the medical assistance they are given is professional and of the highest quality. Thus, only specialist clinics with highly trained staff should be sought, and great care should be given in selecting such a facility.

One such facility is the General Pediatric and Well Baby Clinic in Bangkok. This is an internationally accredited facility with an enviable reputation for the quality of care in the diagnostics and treatment of the young, from newborn to 15 years of age.

The clinic prides itself in its exemplary medical care, be it for minor health issues or for more complex, multi-faceted health problems that can be faced by some young people. And, whatever the health issue, the clinic’s staff are aware that care and understanding goes hand-in-hand with their medical skills, this sets them aside from many other similar facilities.

The clinic is also aware of the value of imparting knowledge to both patient and parent. A patient can learn to avoid certain triggers that can bring about or inflame existing health issues. Likewise, a parent can learn to read signals that might indicate problems. In an advisory and instructional capacity, the clinic’s team aims for the patient and parent to be active in all treatment programs.

Health Issues in the Young

To grow strong and healthy it is essential that any health issues are identified early. Many future health problems can be avoided if diagnosed and treated quickly and efficiently. For this reason, the clinic puts great store in their newborn health check-up program, along with periodical infant health assessments.

Common health issues such as coughs, colds, skin conditions, colic and jaundice are regularly treated at the clinic. Additionally, less common conditions can be diagnosed and treated, gonococcal, HIV, chlamydia and listeriosis, to name but a few. 

The center has skilled physicians well versed in treating intolerances, low blood sugar levels and breathing difficulties, and with the diagnostics and treatment of acute health issues, such as autism, cerebral palsy, and Down’s syndrome.

As a child grows the clinic offers pre-school medical examinations, mandatory vaccinations in line with the Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand and Ministry of Public Health directives. Additionally, advice on, and vaccinations can be administered for rotavirus, flu, and Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD).

The General Pediatric and Well Baby Clinic in Bangkok treats the whole spectrum of chronic diseases in children. Chronic health issues are those that, following initial treatment, will require ongoing care. These health problems can inhibit a child’s daily activities, but with correct treatment from skilled physicians a child will be able to maximize their potential.

These conditions may include asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, and obesity. Other conditions include congenital heart disease, eczema, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), sickle cell, autoimmune disorders, and other metabolic disorders. 

Every year around per 1 million under 15s, 140 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. These figures are sad, but very real. The clinic has specialist doctors, internationally trained, that have exceptional expertise in treating all types of cancer in children, which includes leukemia, in its 4 different types, they are being, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

Also requiring the skills and knowledge of highly trained doctors are youngsters suffering with brain tumors, such as astrocytoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, more common in younger children, and ependymomas. 

Lymphoma is another type of cancer in the blood, which initiates itself from within the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is made up of 600 to 800 lymph nodes that can be found in various parts of the body. Lymphoma is when the white blood cells, called lymphocytes, grow abnormally, and multiply out of control.

This form of blood cancer requires the specialist skills to found at the General Pediatric and Well Baby Clinic in Bangkok. Diagnosed early, the 2 types of lymphoma, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin, with average 5-year survival rates of 85% and 72% respectively, are surpassed for those patients treated by the clinic’s specialist team.

As part of the Samitivej Hospital group, those attending the General Pediatric and Well Baby Clinic in Bangkok can be assured of a modern, state-of-the-art facility that has been designed, from administration to consultation, from diagnosis to treatment, to be child and parent focused within a friendly, stress reducing environment.

With its custom designed consultation, diagnostic and treatment rooms to the high tech appointed surgical suites, the center is the epitome of medical modernity which seamlessly bonds with the caring hand of humanity.

The clinic doesn’t only treat the young indigenous population. With its growing international reputation, the facility now hosts more and more international visitors and resident expats that are seeking an exemplary medical service for their offsprings. From minor ailments to serious, complex health issues, the center treats each and every client with the same high levels of care and respect. 

Disclaimer does not intend the content of this website to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of diseases and medical conditions. If you have any disease or medical condition, visit a doctor as soon as possible for treatment and/or management.

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